Veterinary care

Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic offers a wide range of quality veterinary services to cater for all your pet's needs.



Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic offers consultations by appointment for cats and dogs.

A Standard Consultation is available for pet owners to raise specific concerns about their pet’s health with their veterinarian.

A Recheck / Progress Consultation is provided at a reduced fee with a focus on the ongoing care of a specific problem.

Please call if you would like to schedule a consultation for your pet - we'd be happy to help.

Dental care

There are two main reasons for a veterinarian to recommend a dental procedure:
One reason is periodontal disease. Bacteria accumulates at the junction of the gum and tooth and over time plaque, tartar and toxins released by bacteria erode the tooth ligaments which leads to tooth loss. Common signs include bad breath, loose teeth and gum recession. Under anaesthesia a Veterinarian removes the plaque and tartar (including the tartar under the gum line) and polishes the tooth. Another reason for a dental procedure is tooth extraction which may be necessary due to severe periodontal disease, a broken tooth, a tooth root abscess, retained baby teeth or poorly positioned teeth. Cats can suffer from a painful condition known as 'oral resorptive lesions'.

Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic uses the same methods and machines as used in human dentistry, however with animals the procedure is always performed under a general anaesthetic. Dental procedures in pets involve ultrasonic scaling, tooth removal if necessary and polishing. We use a combination of pain relief techniques including local anaesthesia.

Get in touch with our clinic if you have concerns about your pet’s oral health.


Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic offers castration and spaying for dogs and cats. Castration involves removing the male's testicles and spaying removes the female's ovaries and uterus. Desexing surgery is a day procedure done under general anaesthetic. Your veterinarian will discuss desexing with you at a puppy / kitten vaccination appointment.

Diagnostic Imaging

Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic has a modern digital x-ray that provides high quality diagnostic images. After being taken the images can be analysed digitally which allows us to focus on even smaller changes or abnormalities. Images can also be shared with specialists when required.

Euthanasia and aftercare

We understand how difficult and heartbreaking it can be saying goodbye to our pet. When the time comes our veterinarians can provide a quick and painless passing. Euthanasia is a kind option that is done using a strong anaesthetic agent. You may remain with your pet for the procedure. Aftercare options including cremation services can be discussed with our clinic staff.


Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic provides a full dog grooming service including: trim, body clip, ear pluck and clean, nail trim, warm hydrobath and blow dry. Cats that require clipping and dogs that have high anxiety and are difficult to groom can be treated under sedation. Please contact our clinic to discuss your pet's needs or schedule a grooming appointment.

Kitten care

Your new kitten will need to be vaccinated against several diseases from an early age. These diseases can be easily prevented with a safe and effective vaccination - the F3. An additional vaccine - FIV - can be given to kittens that may be spending time outdoors. Ideally your kitten needs a vaccination at 8 weeks, at 12 weeks and finally at 16 weeks of age. Vaccinations need to be repeated annually for life to ensure continued coverage against infection.

Kittens are susceptible to a variety of intestinal worms. We recommend fortnightly worming up until 12 weeks of age, then monthly until 6 months of age, then at least every 3 months thereafter.

Flea prevention can be as easy as a once-monthly topical spot-on, applied to the back of your kitten’s neck.

Kittens have very particular nutritional requirements for the first 12 months of life so feeding a high quality diet is most important.


Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic provides onsite laboratory services including haematology, biochemistry, electrolytes, coagulation and urine analyzers. We use in-clinic microscopy for parasite screens, fine-needle aspirate lump checks, skin cytology and ear swabs. Onsite laboratory services help to speed up the diagnosis and monitoring of ongoing care.

Our veterinarians may also send samples to external laboratories or expert pathologists for particular tests with results returned in 1-3 days.


Microchipping provides the ability for your pet to be identified and reunited with you should they go missing. By law dogs and cats are required to have a microchip. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is injected under the skin by your veterinarian.

The chip contains a unique identification number linked to your pets registered details that can be traced by those registered to operate a microchip scanner i.e. veterinary clinics, RSPCA and local council animal services. Your details connected to the microchip remain private, they are not provided to the public.

Parasite prevention

We stock a range of the best parasite preventatives for intestinal worms, heartworm, fleas and ticks. Intestinal worming is recommended more frequently in puppies and kittens, then every 3 months for adult dogs and cats. Heartworm prevention options for dogs include monthly tablets or chews or a yearly injection. Flea and paralysis tick prevention options include monthly or 3 monthly chews for dogs or a 6 monthly spot-on for dogs and cats.

Our staff can help you decide which product/s will be best for your pet.


Our pharmacy at Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic stocks medications to meet the medical needs of most pets. We can also place special orders or provide prescriptions to compounding pharmacies for less-commonly-used or specially formulated medications.

Prescription diets

Pet prescription diets are often recommended by veterinarians to aid in the management of specific health problems. Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic can supply commercial prescription diets, and if we don't have what's needed in stock we'll be happy to order it in for you.

Puppy care

Your new puppy will need to be vaccinated against several diseases from an early age. These diseases can be easily prevented with safe and effective vaccinations. The C5 vaccine covers parvo, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and bordatella. Ideally your puppy needs a vaccination at 6-8 weeks, at 10-12 weeks and finally at 14-16 weeks of age. Vaccinations need to be repeated annually for life to ensure continued coverage against infection.

Puppies are susceptible to a variety of intestinal worms. We recommend fortnightly worming up until 12 weeks of age, then monthly until 6 months of age, then at least every 3 months thereafter.

Heartworm prevention should be started by 12 weeks of age - options include a monthly tablet or chew or spot-on treatment.

We offer products that combine protection against heartworm, intestinal worms, fleas and ticks in a monthly chew.

Puppies have very particular nutritional requirements for the first 12 months of life so feeding a high quality diet is most important.

Senior care

At Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic we aim to enhance the wellbeing and maintain good quality of life for our senior patients. We focus on thorough physical examinations, senior blood profile screening, arthritis and pain management, special consideration for surgery and general anaesthesia and palliative care.


Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic offers a range of surgical procedures that can be performed on site. All patients admitted to hospital for surgery have an individualised anaesthetic and pain management plan. While under anaesthetic surgical patients receive IV fluids and are closely monitored manually by a dedicated nurse and with specialised equipment. All patients receive pain relief at the time of the procedure and more to be administered at home.

We will discuss referral to a specialist surgeon with you if we believe specialist care is best.


Vaccination appointments include a discussion of health concerns, a physical examination and discussion of preventative care.

We vaccinate dogs and cats according to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Guidelines.

Adult dogs are covered for the 3 core diseases: Parvovirus, Infectious Hepatitis and Distemper at least every 3 years. Non-core vaccines we use routinely are for Kennel Cough (Bordetella and Parainfluenza). Kennel Cough vaccinations are recommended for dogs with close contact to other dogs such as dog parks, dog daycare, obedience clubs and boarding kennels.

Adult cats are recommended to be covered every year for the 3 core diseases: Panleukopenia, Calicivirus and Herpesvirus. Cats are especially at risk if they are boarded at a cattery. An additional vaccination is available for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus for cats that may fight with other cats in the neighbourhood.

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

45 Benabrow Avenue, Bellara QLD 4507

07 3408 6011
© 2022 Bribie Island Veterinary Clinic